1000Weekly Hiring Recycling Drivers- New Drivers Welcome

55 000 year DZ Drivers - Join Miller Waste on behalf of Universal OUR DRIVERS AVERAGE 1000 WEEKLY YEAR ROUND WORK Starting rate of 18.00 hr PLUS lots of Overtime 19.26 after probation Monthy pay rate increased based on probationary working hours.The London location is looking for NEW and EXPERIENCED DZ driversGreat Pay Good Equipment Year Round Work JOB SecurityThe career you have been waiting for is found at MILLER WASTE SYSTEMS via Universal StaffingUniversal Staffing has been staffing Miller Waste for over 10 successful years.DETAILS Location London (off Highbury St)Shift Days (6am start times - Approx 10-12 hour shifts) Monday - FridayType Permanent Year Round WorkPay 18.00 hr during probation ( 19.26 after approx. 3 months) LOTS OF OVERTIME Other Incentives Benefits Boot Allowance PensionJob Duties Perform daily pre and post trip inspections Drive an automatic transmission garbage truck Pick up and throw recycling from curbs into truck Complete routes on a daily basis Willing to lift up to 50lbs repetitively Willing to work in outdoor weather conditions. To apply you must have a valid DZ License Abstract and CVOR Job Type Full-time Salary 55 000.00 year POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY What Miller can offer Benefits Pension Clothing Boot allowance Secure stable work environment To apply send your resume immediately more info call 519-653-5115Job Type Full-timeSalary 55 000.00 to 65 000.00 year



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