Part Time GroundsMake Ready Technician (1418)

Seldin Company is a national diversified full-service commercial real estate multi-family and development organization. Due to continual growth we are looking for a Part-Time Grounds Make Ready Technician (20 hours per week) in Davenport IA. This is for Crystal Ridge Apartments and Townhomes - a total of 126 units. The ideal candidate is dedicated enthusiastic and a creative individual that is able to multi-task and adapt well to a fast paced high volume environment. Some of the benefits of being a team member of Seldin Company are Stability since 1923 Seldin has developed a reputation for the successful identification acquisition and management of properties that continue to provide a solid financial foundation. We are committed to hard work dedication and teamwork. Career Growth We invest in our employees One of our core values is to provide each employee the opportunity to excel. Compensation As a team member of Seldin Company you can count on a competitive compensation package. The Part-Time Grounds Make Ready Technician is responsible for providing grounds maintenance throughout the community. This includes but is not limited to the following General grounds and landscape maintenance Janitorial duties Snow removal Striving to make the community appearance at or above quality standards at all times including picking up trash cleaning buildings and amenities on an ongoing basis Other duties may include some light maintenance Experience or training in related fields of work beneficial Grounds Maintenance Landscaping General Maintenance Some weekend hours may be required. Rotating on-call. Offers are contingent on a background check pre-employment drug screen and physical. Seldin Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Seldin Company participates in E-Verify Program. TO APPLY



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