EMAIL ONLY... EMAIL INQUIRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. .......... Follow instructions........... Property Description EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH COMPLETELY REMODELED LOOKING FOR A STARTING COUPLE OR SMALL FAMILY. ............... DOWNSTAIRS UNIT NO SMOKING OF ANY KIND .......................... NO PET ANIMALS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED .............. NO SUBLEASING NO AIRBNB ALLOWED IN OUR PRIVATE PROPERTY Amenities Cherrywood Laminated Hardwood Floors throughout entire unit. Laundry on site Quiet neighborhood Quiet Neighbors and we are looking for the same COMPLETELY REMODELED KITCHEN - Good size kitchen with lots of cabinet space Wall Heater Clean Unit we provide No Bed Bug Certificate by a license pest control company General Maintenance provided 24 to 48 hour turn around Living room is large and separate from kitchen and dinning area One assigned parking space with remote control APPROXIMATELY 500 SQFT NEAR RECREATION AREAS & SHOPPING CENTERSNEIGHBORS ARE REALLY QUIET AND WE ARE LOOKING FOR THE SAME LAUNDRY AREA WITH BRAND NEW WASHER AND DRYERS 5 MINUTES FROM 605 FWY 10 FWY & 5 FWYWE PAY FOR WATER SEWER TRASH GENERAL MAINTENANCE (24-48 HOUR TURN AROUND) AND GARDENING PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR A FASTER RESPONSE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. I WILL RESPOND WITH INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO QUALIFY. DO NOT ENTER THE PREMISES EVEN ON THE DRIVE WAY AREA. ANY VIOLATIONS WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. MAKE APPOINTMENT WITH MANAGERS TO VIEW THE APARTMENT. DO NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers NO BROKER OR REALTOR SOLICITATIONS



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