Dine in sophisticated elegance with the new Steve Silver Angelina mahogany dining room. This exquisite set offers a beautifully shaped mahogany top with a double pedestal base accented with metal fretwork and scrolled fluted edge. The table accommodates up to 10 with 2 18 leaves going from 86 to a full 122 The gorgeous Angelina chairs feature scroll arms and cabriole legs with nailhead trim. A shaped leather back and a paisley seat top off the look of grace and beauty with the Angelina group. For display and storage opt for the buffet and hutch which features a heavy base and crown molding with elaborate shaping and a beautiful crown accented by a central shell motif. Four doors include wine storage areas.Set includes - double pedestal table with 2 18 leaves 2 arm chairs and 6 side chairs. Option - leg table with 8 chairs - 3299 Buffet Hutch - 2399 Server - 999 Call Tony (at) 214-587-3983 www.todaysleatherfurniture.com index.aspx



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