Grocery pos software

Just Billing Grocery/ Supermarket POS solutions have been trusted by many Supermarkets and grocers across the world. Now no matter where you are, your business will always be in your pocket and manage your business anywhere, anytime with detailed sales analytics and reports with the help of just billing. Just Billing Retail POS is a unique software specially designed for the retail business to run stores smoothly and quickly, provides services from point of sale billing to tax Return filing like the invoice, inventory management, business accounting, expenses management, purchases recording, customer loyalty management, customer feedback etc. Highlights Of Just Billing Easy Billing Create a GST invoice accurately in a fraction of a second using touch, barcode or voice command. Increase efficiency with Hold, Recall features. Digital Payments: Let it be customer?s choice to pay by cash, card, coupon, multiple digital wallets or a combination of these. Multi-Location Management: As it?s impossible to visit all stores regularly and track the details of it, Cloud POS connects all your stores in the cloud, where you can check sales, purchases, business insights etc of each store from anywhere at anytime Accuracy: POS Software records each and every transaction like sales, expenses, customer data etc. there is no chance of missing any date. Especially at busy times, mistakes are bound to happen by a human. Business Insights: The accounting process is always a hurdle to business because it s very complicated, but just billing made it easy, it calculates all the details and provides accurate income & expenditure statements, balance sheet etc. Just billing also give accurate reports on how your sales going, business performance. You can generate hourly, daily, weekly reports just by a click. Easy Control: Just Billing helps you to control your business from mobile, all the information can get in just a few clicks. If you having multiple branches, can check all the branches inventory, performance etc on your mobile itself. Error Free: Humans can make the error sometimes, but not software. POS software eliminates most of the problems which improve customer satisfaction. Inventory Management: This is the big task for any retail business, will get major problems like out of stock, miss-match, stolen, unrecorded etc. Without POS software, many businesses are unable to keep track of their inventory or sort it in a useful way. Personalized offers and discounts: with inbuilt features of the software, you know your customer well and can give special offers according to preferences and tastes. This increase the customer satisfaction and footfall. One Software, Many Benefits: POS reduces a lot of time taking tasks, can get real-time reports of sales, purchases, business reports, etc. With the customer database, you can offer discounts to the customer as customer loyalty management.



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