Belts and Hoses at Expert Automotives

A series of belts and pulleys drive engine accessories such as the alternator water pump fan power steering pump air conditioning compressor and air injection pump. The timing belt maintains the precise synchronization required to keep the engine s valves and pistons moving in sync. Hoses and steel lines transfer coolant brake fluid and fuel throughout the vehicle. Over time these parts may crack rust or leak. So protect yourself by following the factory maintenance schedule. Timing Belt The timing belt is a toothed reinforced belt used to drive the camshaft via a sprocket to a crankshaft. It ensures the synchronization of the engine s camshaft crankshaft and distributor. Signs of wear Worn teeth fraying engine backfires or stops. Serpentine Belts These belts transfer power from the crankshaft to all of the engine accessories. When this single belt breaks it can cause damage to the engine through overheating loss of the charging system or loss of power steering. Signs of wear Cracking splitting slipping and squealing Coolant Hoses These are hoses that transfer antifreeze throughout the engine cooling system including the radiator and the heater core. Signs of wear Cracking splitting and brittle or soft spots Our goal is to keep you and your vehicle safe For more info on our SPECIAL & PACKAGES contact Expert Automotives at (954) 763-6995 Location 701 Nw 5 Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33311 open Mon. - Fri (at) 8a.m to 7p.m & Sat (at) 8a.m to 5p.m to your convenience



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