460 Ford new 1983 crank kit pistonsrods

Selling complete 460 crankshaft with .010 bearings new in box performance 600HP (at) 6000 rpm rods .060 over flattop pistons moly rings asking 700. with new harmonic balance and external crank weight . Fly-cut in pistons will accept 2.25 SCJ valves. OR with Complete cam kit lifters springs retainers keepers and timing set with gaskets. Asking 1100. Valve Lift (INT EXH) .512 .538 1.72 Rocker Ratio Duration (at) .050 (INT EXH) 214 224 Adv. Duration (INT EXH) 292 302 Lobe Centerline (INT EXH) 107 117 Fits 370 CID (6.1L) 1979-1997 429 CID (7.0L) 1968-1998 460 CID (7.5L) 1968-1999. This cam will have a fair idle with some lope with good midrange torque in the 2400-3200 RPM range and good operating power in the 2000-4800 RPM range.Cash sale only 700 or 1100. text 606-305-8841



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