Mechanical Repairer(NOC 7321)

Mechanical Repairer(NOC 7321) Pride Auto Body Coquitlam BC Job Title Mechanical repairer Job Types Full time & minimum 37.5 hours per week Salary 27 hourly Location 823 Brunette ave Coquitlam V3K 1C5 Position 2 Key Responsibilities Inspect and test mechanical units to locate faults and malfunctions Mechanical repairs including brake clutch transmission suspension and steering Fuel conversion log book service transmission service Tires and wheel alignment and more Repair and replace defective mechanical parts front end components body components and underbody components using hand and power tools Test and adjust units to specifications for proper performance Complete reports to record problems and work performed Diagnose faults or malfunctions and confirm findings with supervisor to determine whether to repair or replace unit Test and adjust units to specifications for proper performance Keeps store management aware of mechanical repair problems as they occur Required Skills and Experience Completion of secondary school and minimum 3 years related experience in service ship environment is required. Working knowledge of all aspects of repairs for damaged body parts and bodies of vehicles Possession of a valid driver s license Work conditions and physical capabilities Hand-eye co-ordination Excellent interpersonal skills and a professional attitude We thank all of those who applied but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please apply by email at pride.autowork(at)



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