Hr Practical courses for Manager

SERIOUSLY LOOKING FOR A HR PROFESSION We Provide 100% effective HR Practical Training onStatutory Compliance Compensation and Benefits HR Generalist Core HR Domain Soft Skills. We are a Group of Highly experienced professional We share our experiences in the HR department what we had experience in the industry. that will be a example for the candidates to remember about the HR topics. on any topics like Client Management Employee Relation payroll processing regarding labour laws MIS Reports Attrition Retention etc. We provide 100% real time practical Training on Job Portals & Pay roll Software. Anurag Mishra (HR-recruiter) ALS Staffing Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor A.M.Tower Khurram Nagar Lucknow Lucknow City Mob 8188808181 8188808181 Website Email anurag(at)



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