Professional Tax and Accounting Services

Do you need to file your taxes Is the IRS or state after you about your taxes Are you too busy to keep your financial house in order TaxAssurances LLC is here to help individuals small businesses and non-profits with all their tax and bookkeeping needs. We offer Individual & Small Business tax return filings for multiple years. Monthly Bookkeeping for Small Businesses. State Sales Tax Reporting & Filing. Ability to Maintain Chart of Accounts and General Ledger. Ability to Maintain Accounts Receivable and Invoicing Clients. Ability to Update Accounts Payable schedules. Ability to set up 1099 Vendors for year-end tax preparation. Ability to Make General Journal Entries. Ability to Perform Bank and Credit Card Reconciliations. Resolve problems with the IRS and NY State. Provide Payroll Services. Provide Business Consulting. Other various tasks relating to accounting and financial planning. Free initial consultation. Expert in Quickbooks Pro and Quickbooks Online. Ability to quickly clean up the messiest financial records. Onsite Offsite services provided. Affordable rates. Hourly monthly retainer and project rates to fit your budget. Friendly fast hassle-free reliable service you can count on. Contact us to discuss how we can take care of your specific needs. Contact information 917-916-2534 or 914-278-9241 kmurray at



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