Pre-Owned Item code 4021ccCall 708-354-1265Crating and Shipping Fees may applyor Pick Up in Countryside IL 60525 JORDON 2 DOOR BOTTLE COOLERModel BC-65DBST Serial DR-9440307 Mfg date 2012 This is a used unit it may have some scratches beyond my control.Unit has been tested and it works. Sturdy stainless steel top glass stop and lidsStrong body with thick walls injected with CFC free polyurethane foamExterior cabinet and lining made of galvanized pre-painted steel with baked polyester paintInterior lining made of acrylic-coated galvanized steel for extra corrosion resistanceUL Classified to ANSI NSF 7Forced-air evaporator for quick temperature pull-down made of copper and aluminum resistant to rust and saline environmentsElectrical 115 v 1 ph 8.7 amps 60 hz Approx. size 65 w 26 d 33 hApprox. weight 344 lbs disk L7 (L) ALL SALES ARE FINAL



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