Physical Therapists and Wellness Practitioners - Vitality Pilate

Vitality Pilates is thriving and we re looking for Physical Therapists and Wellness Practitioners to come and grow with us Available Amenities Include - Flexible lease terms month-to-month 6 months a year or more - Full use of all studios reformers exercise equipment and & all amenities - Access to our 2 Large Classrooms and equipment machines inside - Access to Full Reformer Room - 210 sq. ft. Private Office and or Treatment Room - Large 520 sq. ft. Studio. Used for Private or Group Classes - Paid Utilities - Weekly cleaning & maintenance provided - Over 100 clients visiting per week Other Benefits include - In-house promotion and a wide referral base - Sublease arrangements tailored to your specific business practice. - Negotiable sublease terms and pricing For more info email info(at) or call (206) 432-9345



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