Super Clean 1987 BUICK CENTURY WOODY STATION WAGON --- V-6 -(FLUSHING 48433 ZIP CODE) A very nice 1987 Buick Century Estate Station Wagon with WOOD GRAIN Sides -- ( WOODY ) Only 79 000 Actual Miles I am the 2nd Owner of 16-years Garage keep since brand new Non-smoker NO RUST --- very clean ----------- READY FOR THE CAR SHOWS Full Power and 3-row seating ------- Seats 8-people ------- Or use it like a truck with both back seats down 2.8 L --- V-6 --- COLD A C --- AM FM CD This car now takes the classic plates ------ 35.00 for a plate that is good FOREVER PRICED (at) 5995.00 CASH ONLY ------ FIRM > > > > > > > > > > > CALL ...... 1 810 233-9399 ----- NO TEXTS Location FLUSHING MICHIGAN --- LOW MILES AND VERY CLEAN



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