3 BHK Flat for Sale in Kochi

Get a chance to own a luxury flat in Kochi only at 60Lakhs. Dreamflower Mistletoe is a Basement Ground 7 floors building with 28 units of flats in 2 and 3 BHK formats. The apartment is located in Tripunithura near to Hill palace. Ample Car Parking space in the Basement and Stilt Parking space on the Ground Floor. All flats are semi furnished and have Wardrobes Kitchen Cabinets Tubes Fans Putty with Emulsion finish and Intercom Facility.Available UnitType A1285 Sqft.3 BHK1st Floor AmenitiesHealth Club Association Hall Kid s Play Area Lift DG Backup Centralized Gas Supply Lobby with Visitors Lounge Fire Fighting System To know more visit Flats in Tripunithura



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