Loveable dog rehoming

This is Luna she is a wonderful dog. She loves belly rubs and being cuddled up to you at night. She literally will follow you anywhere in the house and is extremely intelligent. She learns tricks very easily like sit and wait. She is not aggressive when we feed her food she will patiently wait if you place the food on the ground until you ask her to eat. She has a moderate energy level she needs walks just like any other dog but she can stay inside for the most part. She listens very well she would volunteer with me at soccer games so she loves being around children. We ve seen her be very kind with other dogs and we ve seen her struggle to get to know one. We are re-homing her due to my medical problems she is a very loving dog and will love you day and in and day out. She is around 2 12 years old is up to date in vaccines and has a microchip implated in her. She loves going on adventures and will be your best friend for life.



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