Tascam DP-32 Digital Recorder

Or Best Offer Mint Condition This unit is the version with a midi interface and internal CD burner. Also includes a 32GB SD card. TASCAM s DP-32SD Digital Portastudio records an unmatched 32 tracks to solid-state media. Up to eight tracks can be recorded at a time through its combination XLR and 1 4 combo jacks. Input processing like compression and limiting are available during recording as well as guitar amp simulation and multi-effects for use with the instrument-level input. A color LCD and channel strip knobs make mixing fast and creative. The included 4GB SD card can be replaced with up to 32GB SCHC media or swapped with other cards between projects. With its great sound powerful features and easy operation the DP-32SD is TASCAM s biggest Portastudio yet.



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