Clinician - School Based - Medomak Valley Middle School MSAD 40

Sweetser is seeking a school-based clinician to join us at the Medomak Valley Middle School located in Waldoboro Maine. As a school-based therapist you will work full-time with the option of choosing a salary or fee-for-service position both year-round. Reimbursement for clinical licensure exams and renewals School-based Therapy Services provide individual family and or group therapy to children adolescents and their families in the setting that is most comfortable for the unique needs of each family which could include their child s school their home or another community setting. There are currently Sweetser community-based therapists working in more than 100 public schools throughout Maine. As a School-based clinician you will work full time providing comprehensive assessments diagnosis treatment planning and psychotherapy to students and their families within the Waldoboro community. You will also act as a liaison between program and family participate in program development and maintain clinical records.SCHEDULE Year Round Full-Time Monday - Friday school hours with occasional after school and evening hours required.LOCATION Medomak Valley Middle School (Waldoboro Maine) Sweetser offers competitive compensation career advancement and excellent benefits Clinicians are provided laptops cell phones and mileage reimbursement.EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Master s degree in either Social Work Counseling or Marriage and Family Therapy with a concentration in clinical practice from an accredited graduate school. Independent licensure preferred.CERTIFICATES LICENSES REGISTRATIONS Appropriate licensing certificate - LCSW LMFT LCPC preferred will consider LMSWcc or LCPCcc Valid Driver s License.EXPERIENCE Demonstrated competence in discipline Persons with lived experience in the Mental Health and or Substance Abuse system are encouraged to apply.



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