Pittsburgh WMTS Experienced Associate

Line of Service Tax Industry Core Tax State & City PA-PittsburghTravel Requirements 0-20% Position Type Full TimeAuto req ID 61625BR-0PwC LoS Overview Are you interested in the opportunity to work for an industry-leading company that services Fortune 500 companies and will give you the experience and exposure you need to build your career If you are then PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ( Apply now on company website ) is the firm for you. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC US) is well placed to help clients meet the challenges and opportunities of the US marketplace in the areas of assurance tax and advisory. We offer the perspective of being part of a global network of firms combined with detailed knowledge of local state and US national issues. More than 163 000 people in 151 countries across our network share knowledge experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and deliver practical advice. ...



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