Senior Director of Developmental Services - Bangor

Rare opportunity to join a passionate not-for-profit executive leadership team for one of Maine s most comprehensive behavioral healthcare organizations. Bring your expertise enthusiasm and dedication to supporting promising futures for kids adults and families throughout Maine. We are looking for the right partner to support Sweetser s mission and vision as the Senior Director of Developmental Services. Our ideal candidate will have all required qualifications along with strength of character compassion and a sense of humor.POSITION SUMMARY Senior-level position overseeing our Developmental Programs. Provide quality treatment support and hope through a network of mental health and behavioral health services.ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Provides overall program management and oversight of a statewide community based residential program serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Provides management direction to nearly two hundred staff and assists direct reports in the development implementation and evaluation of policies procedures programs standards and short-term plans to ensure compliance with accreditation licensure federal state local statutes and or requirements. Oversees the development implementation and monitoring of the annual budget for area(s) of responsibility. Develops and implements Level 3 corrective action plans for budgets as necessary. Intentionally works to grow and expand programming include the establishment of new services. Continuously reviews and updates the overall organizational structure and systems within area(s) of responsibility to meet changes in organizational needs as directed by long- and short-term plans. Fully supports and actively participates in COA compliance planning activities initiatives and committees to assist in efforts related to compliance goals and standards for accrediting and regulating agencies. Participates in CQI training staff education and use of process improvement techniques in the management of area(s) of responsibility at all times. Serves as the resource person to leadership department directors and other groups related to area(s) of responsibility. Collaborates with other Senior Directors to ensure effective performance and integration.EDUCATION Master s degree from an accredited college or university in the Behavioral Health field. Bachelor s degree with at least ten (10) years of related direct senior management level experience considered.CERTIFICATES LICENSES REGISTRATIONS REQUIRED Maintain a valid state driver s license.EXPERIENCE At least seven (7) years of related direct service or administrative experience. Demonstrated experience with utilizing trend data in short-term planning efforts. Demonstrated experience utilizing technology on a day-to-day basis for communicating by e-mail preparing reports and conducting research.



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