1441-17th AVE SE SALMON ARM BCFirst time on the market for this super clean well maintained 2 400 square foot home in Richmond Hill. This level entry Rancher with finished daylight basement features lake and mountain views bright living area with lots of natural light 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms on main floor. Eat in kitchen with deck to enjoy the views. Fully finished basement with big family room and bathroom with soaker tub. Manicured 0.18 acre lot with private back yard mature landscaping and a great garden. This would be an amazing spot to raise a family. Close to Hillcrest elementary and in an area of nice homes this is one you will want to see. Roof Furnace Gutters and HW Tank all replaced after 2010 make this the perfect turnkey family home. MLS 10156524 For more information please contact Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at) Jordan Grieve BComm Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at) HOMELIFE SALMON ARM Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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