WhiteGerman Shepherd Pups

We have 8 full blooded White German Shepherd puppies 5 boys and 3 girls These dogs are very loyal great with children loving and protective family pets. Both parents are on premises. There is a re-homing fee of is 600 with a 100 deposit to be applied to the purchase. Total due at time of pick up will be 500. Cash and PayPal only please. Puppies will come with their first set of shots along with blood-line paperwork and family history but these puppies do NOT come with AKC papers.I reserve the right to approve or reject the sale of each puppy I want to make sure they go to good homes and not just sell them.Puppy is guaranteed to be in good health at the time of sale and guaranteed to be free of genetic birth defects as determined by a licensed veterinarian within twelve (12) months of the time of sale. The puppy is sound in body good health and is free of communicable disease as far as appears to the eye. A veterinarian must confirm illness within 72 hours of arrival. After that the health of the dog is the responsibility of the buyer. I recommend that you take the puppy to the vet as soon as possible.Puppies were born 4 16 2018 and will be available for pickup around the beginning of June.More updated pics soon



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