Oak Log Home kit- Schutt Log Homes

Awesome log homes at an affordable price with schuttloghomes.com. Our Solid Oak log cabin kits come in a variety of styles to fit any budget or personality. We will also help design your custom log home to create the home of your dreams.All of these homes are constructed to be economical energy efficient and beautiful.Our one bedroom hunting cabin starts at just 9900.00 We are offing special pricing on our Chalet series. These homes come in a 1200 sq ft two bedroom two full bath floor plan for 26900.00. Or a 2000sq ft three bedroom floorplan for 29900.00. We also sell Traditional hardwood barn kits. Our 40 x 60 horse barn sells for 14995.00. Please take a look at our photo gallery at schuttloghomes.com album1_010.htm.We look forward to hearing from you Patrick Schutt(816) 506-5713



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