My fianc and I are about to be moving into an apartment which sadly doesn t allow pets. So now I m hoping to find my cat Nala and her three kittens a forever home. The kittens will be turning a month old on the 12th of this month and so far they ve had no issues nursing. They re still too young for me to be 100% sure about genders but I believe the white kitten is a female and the other two appear to be males. I m not willing to separate them because of how young they are and I have to find a home for them all within the next month. I m located in Jena Louisiana but I m more than willing to meet if you re located within a reasonable distance. I also have a small bed a scratch post and a litter box that you can have for free if you decide to get the kitties. If you re interested or you would like more pictures of the kitties you can call or text me anytime at 318-312-0152 or email me at aerieljsquyres(at)



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