FREE credit counseling - No catches just help (Chicagoland)

Whether you are trying to save your house gearing up to buy a house or a car or you just want to get your credit right for 2015 let me help you get there. My name is Emmanuel and I am a consultant with 5 years in the credit mortgage and real estate fields and I am in the last stages of developing my own consulting firm set to launch in Spring 2015. In the meantime I am offering FREE counseling and consultations. No catches no surprises just genuine help. If you are in need of more hands on assistance with your credit I charge a flat rate of 100. No monthly fees of any kind. If you need heavy duty credit assistance that only a law firm can assist you with I have a very low cost connection in that area as well to refer you to. No matter what your situation I can help you with honest up front facts and advice where others just want to sell you on something. It s that simple. If you are interested please drop me a line here contact me directly at 206.279.3960 or go to my website



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