Behavioral Health Coordinator - Adults Saco

Integrated behavioral health care is the systematic coordination of physical and behavioral health care. The Health Home Coordinator for adults provides outreach case management and information about the health care system in general and at care transition points between health care agencies (i.e. emergency department inpatient unit to community services). Ongoing care includes providing health education health promotion in partnership with other members of the Interdisciplinary Team.ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Conduct assessments of members for physical health mental health and social service needs. Provide information on the importance availability and appropriate use of primary and emergency care. Assist in the exploration of less restrictive alternatives to hospitalization. Refer to other services including but not limited to other behavioral health and or medical services housing food clothing and other basic needs. Coordinate plan of care. Promote member wellness. Document services by entering member data into the electronic health record complying with all documentation requirements. Determine appropriate level of care using screening tools approved by DHHS. Develop Individualized Service Support Plan (ISP) in conjunction with the person served. Collaboratively review and update the plan as needed. Participate in crisis intervention resolution and follow-up services. Identify and document unmet needs. Facilitate transportation to medical appointments and community activities.POSITION REQUIREMENTS Two (2) years of experience working with adults with serious mental illness preferred. Possession of and ability to maintain a valid driver s license with a good driving record. Ability to respond to clients family and colleagues in a sensitive and respectful manner. Ability to work cooperatively with other professionals on behalf of adults with mental illness and their families. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with administrative and direct service staff throughout the agency with peers and the members of the community. Ability to manage multi-task situations and conflicting demands cope with stressful situations prioritize projects and responsibilities and meet critical deadlines. Strong computer skills- experience using electronic client records Outlook Word Excel and being able to navigate throughout computer applications is needed. Persons with lived experience in the Mental Health and or Substance Abuse system are encouraged to apply. Maintain a valid state driver s license. MHRT-C certified or eligible. CIPSS certification desired. CRMA certification desired.EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS The position requires MHRT-C certification A Bachelor s degree in Social Work (BSW) or in a closely affiliated field with MHRT-C certification or conditional (MHRT-A or MHRT- B) certification If you have a bachelor s degree in a health and human services area with conditional (MHRT-A or MHRT- B) certification - Sweetser will reimburse for any additional classes required to complete an MHRT-C certificate or A full MHRT-C certificate is acceptable in lieu of bachelor s degree.



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