2400 miles

I am moving to Little Rock Arkansas and if you are planning to go anywhere near there or need to go and don t have the funds I will pay for gas and food. What I need is someone with a pick-up truck or a van to move me and what I haven t lost yet a dresser lounge chair 3 sea trunks and six large Rubbermaid storage bins and five bicycles and one trike as well as myself. On top of that I need to tow a car. I can rent a tow dolly. I don t have a drivers license. Nothing is wrong with the car. It is a 1999 Chevy Malibu. Good paint and good tires. It is about 2 400 miles. I am guessing if my math is right about 900- 1000 for gas 270- 300 for car dolly 300- 350 for food. So I could pay 350- 500 at final destination. I am not outside my mind and was raised with respect and common courtesy. I am 35yr old white male and easy to get along with I don t judge and I am no snich. I do smoke. With any luck I hope to find someone already needing to go that way and just doesn t have the means.



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