Hallmark Installation Merchandiser (PA - Lansdowne)

Hallmark currently has a part time Installation Merchandiser position available in the Flemington NJ area. We are looking to hire ASAP The Installation Merchandiser is a part-time position that performs installation and occasional service work in the Hallmark department of various retail stores.Hallmark makes the world a more caring place by helping people laugh love heal say thanks reach out and make meaningful connections with others. Become a part of our field merchandising team and help bring our products to life in some of the top stores in the country. Hallmark provides paid training paid travel time mileage reimbursement and access to a variety of corporate discounts. Employees are also eligible for insurance coverage including dental vision a limited medical and preventive care plan.JOB SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS o Basic knowledge of using tools like screwdrivers box cutters and hammers. o Occasional nighttime work and overnight travelPHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS This is a physically demanding job that requires a high level of energy and a sense of urgency. You will be working on the selling floor as well as in back stockrooms. You must be able to consistently push pull lift and carry cartons merchandise and display fixtures up to 30 pounds throughout the work day and up to 50 pounds on occasion. You will also be required to stoop squat walk and stand throughout your work day and you may be required to climb stairs and step ladders.REQUIREMENTS Access to a Wi-Fi network and the internet. Able to operate hand-held technology provided to open and read documents and interpret information. Flexibility to work a changing work schedule that may include an occasional evening or weekend. Reliable transportation to report to assigned locations as scheduled. Eligible to work in the United States Able to read understand and communicate in English At least 18 years of age High School Diploma GED or equivalent May be required to work the week before and the week after major holidays.Position Specific Information You will be providing support to various retail stores within 60 miles of 19050..For a complete job description and to apply please visit s hallmark.candidatecare.comHallmark is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race color religion sex age pregnancy national origin physical or mental disability genetics sexual orientation gender identity veteran status or any other legally-protected status.



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