1955 Chevrolet 1st Series Pickup

Stk 021 1955 Chevrolet Pickup1st Series 3-WindowPainted White this truck is slick and straight. The grill is like new front & rear bumper like new. Headlight and trim is like new. Tail lights are like new. Chains are chrome and like new. Heartbeat of America 55 with Chevy Logo on the tail gate. Wood bed stainless steel rails that are like new. Inner fender panels are like new. Door handles are like new dual outside mirrors like new hood emblems like new door rubber is like new gas cap like new solid steel Red rims with center caps are like new. Safran tires like new. Heidts front end with power rack and pinion and disc brakes. 10 bolt rear end with drum brakes. Sits good and an eye catcher.Bench seat with Burgundy and Diamond white inserts door panels burgundy with diamond white inserts and arm rest dash white Haveline gauges Tach fuel volts speedometer oil temp tilt column with Billet handles. Grant wood 3 spoke steering wheel under dash Vintage A C covered in Burgundy kick panels Burgundy with Diamond white inserts. Burgundy carpet stainless polished Chevy logo sill plates Burgundy carpeted floor mats Diamond white head liner with Burgundy sun visors Burgundy carpeted behind lower driver s seat. Inside light door handles window cranks tinted glass and rubber. All look like new. Looks new inside. Custom look.Powered by a 350 engine & transmission 4-barrel carb finned black valve covers black intake is painted. Stock exhaust manifolds power steering Vintage A C aluminum radiator electric fan old style Cadillac air cleaner painted Black. Serpentine belt system. Runs and handles good. Visit our website at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.



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