Bench Hand Mill Hand

Dependable Gage & ToolHelp WantedBench Hand Job Requirements Journeyman Machinist or equivalent experience (6-8 years related job experience minimum)Read and understand Gage drawings and function.Must have experience in leading and running a gage build through the shopFull understanding of build from write up steel order to complete assembly and gage run-off.This is a self directed position that requires extensive experience and understanding of the gage design and build process. Please do not apply if you are not qualified.This position requires the additional capability to operate machinery as needed as well as assist in design alterations to achieve a fully functional product that passes both ISO 17025 certification and Capability studies. GD& T knowledge is a must.Mill Hand Job Requirement Mill Hand operator with precision detail machining experience. Must be able to operate Proto-Trak CNC Mills read and understand drawings and provide all set-ups to machine complex geometries as well as standard machining of all details holes base plates and finish when possible or prepare for finish grind. Understanding gage tolerance requirements are a standard procedure for this operation. Milling for finish grind etc requires a complete understanding of detail squareness grind stock and dimensional locations with high accuracy. Machining multiple materials and checking work to make sure the material will be correct and assist in the efficiency of following operations. Please do not apply if you don t have adequate experience.



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