1979 dodge motorhome

1979 dodge BroughamChange of plans ...I just bought this RV drove it back from Ohio to Pa...then here to Vermont. Had it checked out by my mechanic in Pa and replaced all to bring it up to travel mode.. 600 worth ..the carburatur...put all new belts ( needs ac belt..had to order) new air filter and coolant plug. ready to take back on the road. Tires and brakes are like new. no leaks. inside real nice. Pictures are from ad when i bought it..does not do interior justice. cushions are very good. the one in pic is turned backwards . i bought an extra battery to get an inverter to run fridge microwave and back ac unit without plugging in. or you could get a generator. price is ... 400 less then what i paid for vehicle and repairs three weeks ago. Change of plans not staying in Vermont and need to sell all to get back out MAY CONSIDER TRADE FOR A SMALL CAR OR JEEP VALUED AT 2200 and 800 cash.77 000 miles. She ran great all the way here Has 360 engine 8 cylinder dually back tires pump sink porta potty area refrigerator microwave toaster oven rear a c unit heater two burner stove closets and drawers with overhead and under seat storage trailer hitch privacy front curtains screen door screens. on Windows lighting nice fiberglass body..no leaks I had it plugged in for three days and all works..rear ac refrigerator microwave lights etc. Have not added propane for stove or heater yet. Also has antenna but have not wired in a TV set.HEADED TO CALIFORNIA NOW...DONT NEED MOTOR HOME THERE...WANT TO SELL SO I CAN LEAVE SOON Price listed is 400 less than I bought and put in it three weeks ago Still needs a few bulbs fuses(blew the one) and ac belt that I had on order...am not putting any more cash into...selling Or BEST OFFER



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