Apartment Maintenance

Do you have handyman skills Can you do landscaping Are you good at plumbing WE HAVE THE JOB FOR YOU Apartment Community Maintenance Positions in Denver - AVAILABLE NOW You ll be responsible for assisting the Property Manager and Maintenance Supervisor in all areas -- Apartment Maintenance General Repair Touch-Up for Move-In s HVAC Plumbing & Electrical and more. Desired Experience Experience in the Multi-Unit Apartment Industry is preferred Construction & Handyman experience (or training) is considered HVAC painting landscaping & grounds keeping experience is ideal Apartment Maintenance duties include Completing work orders for general maintenance and upkeep Repair cleaning and touch up for move-ins HVAC plumbing and electrical maintenance in a multi-unit environment Grounds Keeping duties include Maintenance and cleaning for the community including building exteriors breezeways leasing office pools and other common areas Lawn & shrub landscaping maintenance Basic requirements Strong customer client service attitude Excellent verbal and written communication skills Ability to handle multiple tasks Must be reliable with strong work ethic Valid driver s license reliable vehicle and proof of insurance Required to pass drug screening and criminal background checkPlease email your resume to hr(at)dunmire.net MUST SUBMIT A RESUME COVER LETTER AND SALARY REQUIREMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED.



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