2 5405 SUNNYBRAE CANOE POINT RD SUNNYBRAE BCIf you are looking for an incredible updated lake view home in private setting just a short walk to lake access this is the spot for you. With 3 400 finished square feet this stunning 4 bedroom 4 bathroom home features a spacious open floor plan with vaulted ceilings skylights timber beams and woodwork throughout and the most amazing updates. Gorgeous new custom kitchen with white granite countertops breakfast bar stainless steel appliances. Second floor loft features master suite with vaulted ceilings walk in closet and 5 piece ensuite with soaker tub. So many updates in this home including new kitchen bathrooms flooring drywall doors windows hot water tank and so much more. Home has central air built in vac main floor laundry. Enjoy the outdoors with a huge wrap around deck covered deck off living room and hot tub. Private 0.49 acre lot with extensive landscaping irrigation fire pit and plenty of parking. Located just a short walk to public lake access. MLS 10158580 For more information please contact Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at) Jordan Grieve BComm Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at) HOMELIFE SALMON ARM Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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