Beautiful Early 1900 s Garden Chairs

These are not the knock-offs I ve seen around these past many years. If your interested I ll explaine the difference.I dug these out of a terribly overgrown back yard from a Little Ol Lady From Pasadena no from Pomona. )One was 99% rust and the other 65% rust. I cleaned them up and had them painted to a white very similar to what was found on them. That was over 30 years ago.Now I m leaving the state and can t take them with me. (Their demintions are 48.5 tallAt widest point the back is 31.5 Arm to arm as outside measurement 25 Full chair depth is 23 Seat at widest points is 16.5 deep and 20 wide.They are actually comfortable to sit on even better with cushions (I had custom ones made but after all this time it was time to retire them.They have been indoors since I acquired them up to the past 7 years where they have vacationed in the shade.You pick up. ONLY available until June 2nd



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