2007 Harley Wideglide...low milestons of extras

2007 HARLEY WIDE GLIDE....LOW MILES (6600)..ALWAYS GARAGED AND COVERED...LOTS OF STUFF 96 fuel injected 6 speed tranny custom paint better than anything factory does 6600 orig miles clean clear title new 90 90 metzler front tire less than 10 miles on it 165 rear tire..nice shape 2 under progressive springs.orig included 2 under progressive shocks orig included chubby pullback drad bars intenal front wiring w relocated signals.. 600 at dealer chrome tank isert all matching harley covers badlander seat mini sizzy bar vance and hines short shots...sounds aggressive always garaged and covered....bluebook is 9500 stock w 24 000 miles..makes this a no brainer



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