Pre-Owned Item code 4339Call 708-354-1265crating and shipping fees may apply or Pick Up in Countryside IL 60525 TRUE 3 DOOR DIRECT DRAW BACK BAR COOLER WITH COLUMS Model TBB-4-S Serial 1720168 PLEASE NOTE this is a used unit it may have some scratches beyond my control. SOME FEATURES Self-containedHigh capacity factory balanced refrigeration systemExterior stainless steel front sides and countertopMatching aluminum backInterior Stainless steel floor with 1 2 reinforced lip and heavy gauge galvanized steel wallsIt holds 4 Half-size barrelsTwo beer columns with 3 faucets eachEntire cabinet structure and solid doors are foamed-in-placeElectrical 115 v 1 ph 60 hz 8.5 amps 1 3 hp NSF UL SA Approx. size 90 1 4 w 27 d 47 h (overall 62 high with towers)Approx. weight 530 lbs disk L7 (L) ALL SALES ARE FINAL



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