Time Share For Rent

Time Share for Rent - South Beach Resort in Myrtle Beach. 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths. Indoor-Outdoor pool. Across from the beach. Not too far from downtown area. Perfect for gulfers. Flexible date but need to varify for availability. 1000.00. Serious inquirites only PLEASE Also available 3 bedrooms 3 baths fully equipped kitchen located at Ascutney Mountain Resort in Brownsville VT. Perfect for skiers. Asking 1100.00. Note that the timeshare in Vermont can also be traded for timeshares in Orlando FL Gaitensburg TN Lake Geneva WI 2 in Panama City FL Las Vegas NV Galveston TX Williamsburg VA and Cape Canaveral FL. Again have to check availabilities on all. Serioius inquiries only Please Payment up front when availability confirmed. Call 315-622-3127 and leave message.



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