Bottle Depot Manager

Cranbrook Bottle Depot is located at 1125 Industrial Road 3 Cranbrook BC V1C 5E3. We are currently looking for a permanent full time Bottle Depot Manager. If you are interested please submit your resume by mail or e-mail.Position Bottle Depot Manager (NOC Code 0911)Wages CAD 40.00 - 42.00 hour (depending on experience)Types Full-time PermanentWorking hours 30 40 hrs wkBenefits -4% of vacation payJob Duties -Plan direct and evaluate bottle depot operations-Supervise supervisor and staffs and assign duties-Oversee and evaluate daily operation-Plan and manage the establishment of each department s budget-Monitor authorize and allocate expenditures-Develop production schedules and maintain inventory of recycling products-Direct quality control inspection system and develop reporting procedure-Hire supervise and oversee training of staffsJob Requirements -Completion of college or university program in business administration-Minimum 5 years of supervisory experience in manufacturingLanguage at work EnglishJob Location Cranbrook BCContact Information Cranbrook Bottle DepotE-mail cranbrookbottledepot1125(at)gmail.comMail 1125 Industrial Road 3 Cranbrook BC V1C 5E3



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