Tire Battery Oil Technicians - Req 933507BR

If you are looking to become part of an auto center that really values your skills and ability to provide quality service consider joining the sears auto center team. Now is the perfect time to join as we are going through an exciting transformation of our business The Express Service Technician is responsible for the successful tire battery and oil installation to customer vehicles following all automotive processes and procedures. This position interacts daily with customers Customer Service Adviser other technicians and the Auto Center Manager.Job Duties Responsibilities Participates actively with team servicing of every customer vehicle to ensure fast expert service Dedicates work time to providing excellent customer service Promotes teamwork to deliver times and accurate customer care during all operating hours Demonstrates a sense of responsive urgency to every customer no matter what service is required Uses the Quality Service Evaluation (QSE) form to understand customer service adviser s and customer service manager s instructions Fulfills the customer s needs the first time every time Communicates with Auto Center Manager Customer Service Adviser and other Technicians to meet Sears Automotive time standards and to exceed customer requirements. Adheres strictly to Sears Automotive Dress Code standards Protects customer s vehicle with floor mats seat steering wheel covers and if necessary fender covers Racks vehicle safely following Sears Automotive training Performs Multi Point Inspection (MPI) visual inspections and communicate with customer service manager and or customer service adviser within 10 minutes Miscellaneous duties as assignedRequired Skills Valid Driver s License Successful completion of Sears Automotive Express Technician core curriculum Commitment to safety Use of appropriate personal protective equipment back belt safety glasses and safety shoes at all times Maintenance of individual productivity as defined by the business sales per hour standard Ability to stand and walk for prolonged periods of time Ability to lift up to 50 pounds Extended workdays of up to 10 hours weekends and nights as necessary Ability to handle stressful situations and work in a fast-paced environment Ability to read and utilize reports Extensive spoken communication for customer and associate relationship skills Must have a valid driver s licensePreferred Skills Speed and expertise when installing tires and batteries Commitment to teamwork and mentoring othersEducation Requirements HS Graduate or EquivalentLicense Certificate Required YesDriver s License Required YesAge Requirement 18 To apply to this position please use the following link s sjobs.brassring.com TGWEbHost jobdetails.aspx partnerid 455& siteid 185& areq 933507BR& codes ADP EEO EOE Equal Opportunity Employer Disability Vet.



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