Pre-Owned Item Code 4327Call Mike Marty or Brian 708 354-1265Packing and Shipping Fees Apply or Pick Up in Countryside IL 60525Fetco Tea Brewer With One 3 Gallon ContainerModel TBS-21A Serial 410139065818Please note this is a used unit it may have some scratches and dents beyond my controlThe Fetco TBS-21A utilizes a patented intermittent spray feature to control the amount of time water stays in contact with the tea leaves to provide the best glasses of iced tea with an optimal brewing time. Perfect for a concession stand cafeteria school and much more Some Product Features for Brewer It has 2 funnels to separate coffee and tea. All stainless steel brewer body construction. Fully automatic brew and dilution. Brews into a portable 3 gallon iced tea server that is being included with the brewer. Allows for programming of up to 2 different batches. These batches can be programmed for different volume sizes (1.0 to 3.0 gallons) or designed to brew different types of teas. Intermittent spray iced-tea brewer for best flavor extraction. Capacity to brew 6 batches of tea in one hour.Curtis Dispensers Make Curtis Model TCN051 Capacity 3.5 gallons each Stainless steel construction Model fits with FETCO TBS-21A Brewer Narrow design NSF Approved NSF Approved UL & ETL Listed 120 Volts 1 phase 18 Amps 2.2KwApprox. weight 77 Lbs. Approx. size 12 w 17 d 35(disk L7) (L) ALL SALES ARE FINAL



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