1965 Dodge Monaco Hardtop Coupe

1965 Dodge Monaco Hardtop Coupe For Sale in Conception Bay South New Foundland Canada A1W5B5 MOTIVATED SELLER Take a stroll down memory lane with this 1965 Dodge Monaco Hardtop Coupe This two-door coupe features a strong athletic styling that is reminiscent of a simpler era. Its dashing good look are maximized by bright madigrau red paint and complemented by a white hardtop in like new condition. Powered by a 318 V-8 Big Block engine that is paired with automatic transmission this car is ready to hit the road and provide an enjoyable driving experience. The Dodge Monaco was built as a full-size car and sold by Dodge in three generations from 1965 and 1979 as a mid-size model from 1977 and 1978 then again from 1990 and 1992. This 1965 model is part of the Monacos first generation and provided competition for other mid-priced vehicles from Chrysler Oldsmobile Buick and Mercury. This handsome devil has been very well maintained which has enabled its excellent condition. It has a beautiful re-upholstered wine leather interior new carpet original dash and door panels and new headliner. The paint is in excellent condition and is sure to capture the attention of anyone who sees it. It comes fully loaded with options and features that provide the ideal combination of performance and curb appeal. With only 53 051 miles you can rest assured that this Monaco is ready to inspire your passion towards classic motoring.This 1965 Dodge Monaco Hardtop Coupe is a must see drive to truly appreciate everything it has to offer. In fact come see for yourself You will agree that you cannot find another 65 Dodge Monaco Hardtop Coupe in this condition for the asking price. Perfectly suited for a collector or enthusiast of iconic classic automobiles. Call today for more information on how you can get behind the wheel of this stunning classic



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