elita garden vista rent (planning city newtown) 3 bhk flat

Elita Garden Vista Luxurious Flat Newtown Action Area-III Near Shapporji Pallonji. An excellent 3 bhk residential apartment for rent in new town AA-III kolkata east. It is a very good property and has 1 balcony which make the apartment more spacious. In addition it has pooja room and is available for family & Bachelor. We are looking for rs. 17000. It is on the 20th floor and has Marble flooring. It is a south-East facing property and has intercom facility lift(S) maintenance staff visitor parking water storage and security fire alarm etc. The society too has features like club house community center fitness centre gym security personnel swimming pool and park which adds to the attractiveness of the property. Full power back up.Call Me For More InformationThank you Specialist Newtown



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