Jackadoodle pup 5 months old

Hi I have a wee pup called Belle. She is a jackadoodle. Beautiful wee dog. Only reason for selling is my older dog not fussed on her as she loves playing and well he don t. It s not fair on him or her. She loves her walks and loves to play. Great recall. I always have her of lead where it s safe to run about and all you do is call her and she comes. Very smart as well. She needs someone who is going to be able to take her for walks because she is loves them and is used to it also. And because she is small does not mean she can t walk for I can tell you she can. She loves it when we go out. Twice a day she goes. Never been outside so I would expect whoever would like to offer her a home that she be a pet inside. She never cope outside plus she is way to small. She is beautiful dog and whoever gets her be very lucky.



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