Director of Clinic-Based Services

The position will over see the services delivered out of Sweetsers Clinics. Responsible for ensuring proper staffing of the fee for service team to maintain a full schedule and that clients receive exceptional service. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Supports and articulates the program and organization mission to staff clients providers and others. Help the employee to demonstrate good clinical judgment and apply good treatment interventions. Responsible for the hiring of direct reports in coordination with Human Resources Collaborates with other agency departments to achieve integration across providers and programs. Attends and represents the agency and its programs externally and communicates to the appropriate agency staff opportunities for growth. Demonstrates skill in facilitation in accordance with Sweetser s guidelines. Demonstrates team building and management skills. Uses the qualitative review process to promote the documentation of medical necessity evidence of integrated care and the clinical development of the supervisee Demonstrates skill in coaching staff and correcting performance issues prior to engaging the formal disciplinary process. Allocate sufficient time and resources to successfully orient new employees. Demonstrates skill in training and supporting staff in the implementation of the seven principles of integrated care the role of the integration coordinator and level of care. Effectively and consistently addresses barriers to achieving success in clinical effectiveness productivity and documentation by the ability to have necessary conversations with their supervisees Oversee the maintenance of staff scheduling to ensure appropriate staffing levels. Ensures that the program meets all organization and licensing standards regulations and policies. Actively participates in the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process through the formulation and adherence to program goals. Monitors the program budget to ensure budget targets are met implements productivity expectations develops annual program goals and objectives. Maintains current knowledge of program regulations standards and expectations from payers Demonstrates at all times the commitment to providing the least intrusive service intervention that supports the client needs preferences in the least restrictive setting that supports client and staff safety. Ascertains that relevant information is reported to Senior Director and or the teams in a timely manner. Be a role model in the use of the 5 basic principles EDUCATION Master s degree preferred Independent licensure required (LCSW LCPC) EXPERIENCE Three years post Master s experience in behavioral health setting at a supervisory level Experience working with dual diagnosis (MH SA) preferred Post bachelor s supervisory experience in a clinical setting required



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