Gravel Train Driver Must have CDLA

James Gath Trucking of Standish MI is looking for a part-time CDL-A driver to deliver materials to our surrounding customers. Materials delivered include sand gravel asphalt and topsoil.Must be trustworthy timely and friendly. Must also have at least one full year or more of gravel train driving dump truck experience. Deliveries are often scheduled for Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays and last throughout the summer months.Pay is an hourly rate and based on experience.Duties include Loads vehicle with the correct amounts of materials ordered. Delivers materials to destinations in a timely and safe fashion. (Knowledge of local areas a plus. We deliver throughout Standish Pinconning Bentley Omer Sterling and Alger). Maintains safe vehicle and conditions and protects load by complying with policies and procedures as well as highway rules and regulations.



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