
EZRECRUITING Position Gastroenterologist Location Ashtabula OH Pay Rate Varies Based on location and qualifications. Relocation Available Yes Industry Healthcare Job Type Permanent Full-Time Description Examine and diagnose disorders and diseases of the digestive system. Consults with patients to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Recommends and orders tests to determine extent of illness or help diagnose condition. Requires a degree in medicine from an accredited school and is licensed to practice. Require 3 years of gastroenterology experience. Familiar with standard concepts practices and procedures within a particular field. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. May report to a medical director. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. More about this position Packages include up to a 3 year salary guarantee sign-on bonus relocation fees student loan repayment and tail coverage. Offered salaries are consistent with current year MGMA Benchmarks. After salary guarantee physician s salary will be based on cash-based productivity. Post training years factored into offered salary and recruitment package. Please send Resume CV in (PDF) Form Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for immediate consideration. T ... Pl s A l C c P-L P ls or BM P s 1-619-900-7432 1-858-371-9641



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