Seniors residence with 19 rooms St-Polycarpe

R sidence pour personnes ag es vendre Mont r gie Saint-Polycarpe - Magnifique r sidence de 19 chambres avec syst me de cam ras portes cod es et plusieurs r nos effectu es avec terrain adjacent pour agrandissement possible. Opportunit d affaires ne pas manquer Acheteurs Obtenez la liste des autres inscriptions de r sidences de personnes g es disponibles vendre diff rents prix et nombre de chambres vari s travers le Qu bec Laurentides Mont r gie Rive-Sud Montr al Qu bec Brossard Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Laval Centre-du-Qu bec Chaudi re-Appalaches Lanaudi re Bas-Saint-Laurent Capitale-Nationale Mauricie Propri t s MLS et (pocket listing) DEALS CACH S non MLS Pour plus d information Johanne LamoureuxCourtier immobilier agreeRe Max Platine514-919-7149 proprietes 169898Seniors residence for sale Monteregie Saint-Polycarpe - Magnificent 19 room seniors residence with camera system and coded doors several renovations have been made. Including adjacent land for possible expansion.Buyers Get the list of other Senior residences listings available for sale at different prices with various number of rooms throughout Quebec Laurentians Monteregie South-Shore Montreal Quebec Brossard Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Laval Centre-de-Quebec Chaudiere-Appalaches Lanaudiere Lower Saint-Lawrence Capitale-Nationale Mauricie...MLS properties and (pocket listing) HIDDEN DEALS not listed on MLSFor more information Johanne LamoureuxCertified Real Estate BrokerRe Max Platine514-919-7149 proprietes 169898



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