1 Professional Painter For A Day in Manhattan NY 350.00

1 Professional Painter For A Day in Manhattan NY 350.00. We are a full service painting and restoration company based in Manhattan NY servicing ALL OF New York. Personalized Professional Service Like most homeowners you probably have that growing list of small repairs and touch-ups that you ll get to some day. Turner s Painting can make that day today and accomplish in one day what might otherwise take you several weekends. Whether it is repairing damaged drywall touching up trim adding accent walls or changing the color of a small room our painter is at your service to accomplish the items on your list efficiently and professionally. As a full-service house painting contractor we delight in serving our customers no matter the size of the job. Our Painter for a Day program includes Attentive service from an expert painter 8 hours of quality craftsmanship A fully-equipped company vehicle with all necessary equipment and materials Our painters are highly skilled and knowledgeable in all of the following areas Wallpaper Removal & Installation Faux & Textured Finishing Drywall & Plaster Repair Power Washing Interior Wood Finishing & Restoration (Stain Varnish & Lacquer) Deck Cleaning & Refinishing Exterior & Interior Trim Repair & Maintenance 1 Professional Painters For A Day in Manhattan NY 350.00. Contact Us to schedule your very own Painter for a Day Phone (516) 850-8369 paintersforaday.com Learn more paintersforaday.com contact-us



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