Love where you live in 28C

You are sure to love this great two bedroom apartment 28C has everything you would want for your 2 bedroom home - Enjoy spacious Cathedral Ceilings - Walk in Closets in BOTH Bedrooms - Roomy Bathrooms - Build- in bookcase in living room - Kitchen with all the major appliances including a dishwasher - Washer and Dryer Connections - FREE STORAGE UNIT - Private Balcony Also Enjoy all the great amenities that Hanover Court has to offer. - 24 7 fitness center will SAVE YOU at least 40 a month in gym membership fee - Two Sparkling Swimming pools - Two Great laundry facilities - Tennis Court - Several Grilling Stations - Close to all the major dinning and shopping Asheboro has to offer Don t wait this two bedroom will not last long Call 336-629-0027 Email Hannah(at) or 731 W Kivett St Asheboro NC



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