Looking slim top okay with Femme between 20 and 40

I m transgender but wanting to explore pleasing men for the first time. I don t like body hair and I just want to experiment. I might just rub you off. If I feel like you re clean I might go oral. In truth I d like to do all kinds of things including having c-m inside me on both ends. I m open to most things given time and circumstance. If you have something in mind as and I ll give it a shot I m 6 1 175lbs 31 Years old. Long brown hair non op. I wear womens clothing and shave.Reply with words and sentences. Talk to me. i can t meet up Right now and I don t jump into situations that could potentially be dangerous.Ask For images after talking about what you re interested in. I ll send pics if it ll work out. If you wanna meet we ll find a time and go from there.



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