Movers in Welland - SUPERIOR SERVICE - Promotion

Movers in Markham Toronto Scarborough London Mississauga Guelph. Call us at (800) 783-2469 or 1 (519) 878-2897 or visit or our website at Welcome to Red and White Moving Company Welcome to Red and White Moving Company. We look forward to assisting you with all your moving requirements and provide superior customer service combined with solutions for residential and commerical applications. We service all of south western Ontario including moving services in London Sarnia Chatham Windsor Kitchener Brantford Hamilton St. Catharines Toronto and more. We have been providing moving and moving services for many years and can tell you that we have the process down to a science. We firmly believe that hard work honesty and integrity have allowed us to create a moving company with extremely high standards unmatched in the relocation services industry. Red and White Moving Company has been an Agent of Canadian Moving Lines since 2012. Why Choose Red and White Moving Company We never over-book our trucks and staff. You will have your moving truck and your men for moving on the date specified. We provide all of our customers with free outlined estimates over the phone and through email. No hidden or last minute charges what is quoted is what you pay. We are family owned and operated so you can rest assured that your are dealing with people who care about you and your belongings. We are attentative to all your needs and understand that everyone is diffrient. We offer discounts for students and senior citizens. Large fleet of moving trucks to choose from. We have trucks for every type of move no matter how big or small. So much more



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